It’s OK to be Weird!

Written By:  Valerie L. Richter

What’s the craziest thing you have ever done in your life?  What motivated you to do it?  Perhaps, people looked at you with a raised eyebrow and thought, “You are so weird.”

Five years ago, my husband and I began a journey that not only seemed weird to most, but also significantly changed the trajectory of our lives.  This journey changed us emotionally, financially, physically and spiritually.  We got weird!

We got weird!

Like the majority of people around the world, we struggled to save money, could never pay off debt and regretted not being able to give like we desired.  It wore away at us.  That’s when we turned to God and said, “Help!”  He did not disappoint.

We began our new financial journey with the help of prayer and Financial Peace University, a biblical-based program presented by Dave Ramsey.  In a nutshell, we gained a whole new mindset about managing God’s money.  We began budgeting, tracked our expenses and paid off over $190,000 in consumer and mortgage debt!  We cut up our credit cards (paid them off and closed them), shopped (and still shop) at thrift stores and Aldi, rarely ate out at restaurants, postponed home repairs, gave up vacations (except the one that was given to us), had rummage sales, and kept giving (as much as we could) all the way through.  We made paper chains to represent our debt and hung it from our living room ceiling.  We cut off links as we laboriously but joyously paid off each debt.  We got excited about budgeting and tracking expenses monthly.  We got rid of car loans, Parent Plus loans (student loans), medical bills, 401K loans, store credit card balances and bank credit card balances…. and now, the BIGGIE… our mortgage!

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Debt Chain

What happened next was the WEIRDEST of all!

Fast forward five years…  My husband and I attended a seminar called, “Journey of Generosity”.  As ministry leaders and missionaries, we were invited to attend.  Plus, we have always wanted to further explore generosity. What happened next was the WEIRDEST of all!

Throughout the seminar, we discussed various ideas of what it means to be generous, what generosity looks like, and why it’s important in God’s economy.  We weren’t being asked to give money or promise anything.  It was simply…. a discussion.

The last hour was designed for us to have some quiet time of contemplation and prayer to see what God was teaching us.  I was overwhelmed by what God clearly spoke to me.  I then joined my husband for private discussion and prayer.  With tears of joy and excitement, I shared what God told me.

My husband said, “Sell the house?”  Yes!  It was very clear that we were to sell the house.  My husband and I have lived in Waukesha for 20 years and raised three children, who are now adults.  Two just graduated from college, two are married and one is beginning his career.  Mind you, this JUST happened.  We suddenly became empty-nesters.  Selling the house made sense.  But here’s the kicker!  God not only told us to sell the house, but he encouraged us to live on HALF our income so we could be outrageously generous!  Who does that?  …. only “weird” people, right?!

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Live on half of our income.

We took a deep breath, looked at each other and prayed for God’s Will to be done.  20 years ahead of our generation (we are in our 40’s), we got “weird” and began the process of down-sizing to a 2-bedroom condominium.

Down-sizing is an emotional experience.  We gave ourselves one year to gradually make the move.  This was wise.  Whenever you invest time, money and love into something, it takes time to transition.  Our beautiful 4-bedroom home was a wonderful place to raise three children.  We grew as a family and grew spiritually by doing life with a group of Christian families in our neighborhood and church.  Looking back, I see that God was preparing us for this season of life.  He gave us glimpses along the way, but only revealed it in His timing, when we were ready for it.  It was time for this house to bless another family.

Down-sizing is an emotional experience.

We quickly realized that we would need to sell MOST of our “stuff”.  We were encouraged by the idea of not being bound to all the things that rob us of our time, energy, investment and ability to give generously.  After all, we can’t take it with us when we die, right?

Give generously.

I would love to share the process and emotions that go along with paring down items and moving to a smaller abode, but that will be another blog!  I just want to give thanks to our Lord, Jesus Christ, for putting this move on our hearts.  Our move will allow us to be closer to extended family, travel for missions (Uganda, India, Kenya, Pakistan), visit our children (who are all over the USA), become completely debt-free, and most importantly, give generously.

Be Weird!

Find out more about Generosity!





Written By:  Valerie L. Richter

When you think of “transformation” what comes to mind? … weight loss, a butterfly going through metamorphosis?

Webster Dictionary defines transformation as “a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance”.

In our world of constant images, we see dramatic “transformations” all the time. Honey Boo Boo’s mom lost an incredible amount of weight, radically transforming her appearance.  Bruce Jenner, famous Olympic athlete, transformed from a man into a woman, becoming Caitlyn Jenner.  Lottery winners become millionaires, going from poor to rich overnight.  Why are we captivated by these stories?

Perhaps it’s the quest to make a dramatic transformation in our own lives…things we wish to change about ourselves.

How do these transformations happen?

Most transformations do not happen overnight, but all start with a desire or desperate need from within.  Some transformations are healthy, long-lasting and beneficial but others are not.

How do we attain healthy, long-lasting, beneficial transformations?

How does it happen?  What does it take?
A young man in his 20’s was a successful real estate agent who had amassed a fortune, and along with it, a fancy lifestyle.  He would take his wife on lavish vacations, drove a luxury car and lived in an expensive home.  All was well, until he lost it all.
The major bank that held his 90-day notes (while he was flipping real estate properties) had been sold.   The new bank owners got nervous about the amount of debt he had, and pulled his notes.  The problem was that all his investments were tied up in real estate, and he couldn’t sell his properties quickly enough to pay off those notes. Suddenly, he found himself broke, hammered with law suits, and had no other alternative but to file for bankruptcy.  This young man, his wife and his young family were now at a precipice…a dangerous situation.  This is where his transformation began.

He had to file for bankruptcy.

All his life, he had heard about God but didn’t fully understand how God and the Bible could be applicable to his life.  He questioned the authenticity of “church-going” people and thought church was “boring”.  (See Personal Testimony)  While he was in his prosperous days, he had it all…but still felt like he had a hole in his life.  That’s when he began to seek some answers.
After filing for bankruptcy, Dave Ramsey said, “…we started to find out that God’s word had something to say about money…so this wasn’t really the end of the story.  I met God on the way up, but got to KNOW him on the way down.”

His life took on a dramatic transformation.  At the age of 26, he paid off $3,000,000 OF DEBT down to three hundred seventy eight thousand in only 2-1/2 years!

How?  He studied God’s word and began to apply what God teaches about money.  He developed a budget, created a debt snowball model, paid off his debts, paid cash for everything, began investing, and started attracting and teaching others about how to transform their lives by applying Biblical principles. (See Dave’s Story.)  Now Dave Ramsey is a multi-millionaire that spends his life serving and helping millions of others.

Transformation seems to start with self, but REAL and LASTING transformation happens when our hearts turn toward serving others.

It seems to start with an inward focus…how can “I” lose weight, how can “I” be debt-free, how can “I” be fulfilled? Perhaps we should look at it like this… How can I lose weight so I’m healthy enough to be there for my FAMILY, how can I become debt-free so we can give to HELP OTHERS, how can I find fulfillment through a job or hobby that MAKES A DIFFERENCE for my community or communities around the world?
Just like Dave Ramsey, we can be transformed personally for the benefit of ourselves and others.  Seeking wise counsel, being open to learning, visualizing the end goal, and having the discipline/motivation to put in the work needed to meet that goal are the ways to attaining real, long-lasting, beneficial transformation.
One of the most rewarding things in life is to give hope to someone else who is struggling.

“For you were called to freedom…only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love, serve one another.” -Galatians 5:13

In Sickness and in Health… for Richer or for Poorer…

Written By:  Valerie L. Richter

25 years ago, my husband and I took these solemn vows.  In a nation where the divorce rate is nearly 50%, we are here to say that LOVE can still win!  Mutual love, faith, respect and championing your spouse are some of the most beautiful gifts you can give!

Divorce is NOT in our vocabulary!

In the days when we were first engaged, we agreed that “divorce” was never going to be part of our vocabulary.  No matter how hard things would get, we vowed to never give up on each other.

Gary and I met in high school, in the choir room.  I was 14 and he was 16.  He was rehearsing a solo for an upcoming competition, and I was the student aide for our choir director.  I was mesmerized by his deep bass voice!  In that moment, we caught each other’s eyes and the pursuit began.  We played footsie under the table while listening to a friend sing at that competition.  Later that week, at a cast party for “Annie”, he kissed me and the love affair began!

Most people seem to have the opinion that high school romances rarely last, let alone turn into a healthy marriage.  We were the exception to that opinion!  We dated five years before getting engaged, and after two more years, we got married.  Today, we are more in love with each other than ever.  What makes it work?


Today, we are more in love with each other than ever. What makes it work?

Before you think it was a bowl of cherries, we have had our struggles over the years. I was very jealous of his time in the early days of our marriage.  As a new bride, I didn’t want to share my husband with his friends and family.  Slowly but surely, I realized that family and friends are SO important.  The love that we both show for family and friends is actually a gift to each other.  It shows we care about our spouse as a whole, respecting and loving all the other special people who love our spouse.

Do special things for each other.

In our early years , we were just starting our careers and didn’t have much extra money for entertainment.  My husband surprised me with an elaborate scavenger hunt for my birthday.  He prearranged and planted clues at various locations around the city.  He drew word picture puzzle clues and had me stopping at a gas station, local park and grocery store.  The scavenger hunt was so fun and memorable, that I forgot what the actual gift was at the end.  Lesson:  The fact that he had taken so much time to thoughtfully plan out the adventure meant so much to me.  My heart grew a little bigger!

That same year, I became pregnant with our first child.  I was still working and got very weary at the end of each workday.  My husband was so caring, he prepared a bubble bath for me each night to help me relax.

When the children began to arrive, our love and patience were tested on a whole new level.

When the children began to arrive, our love and patience were tested on a whole new level.  Of course, we were elated to have such beautiful babies and were excited about the road ahead of us as parents.  But along with the joys, come the trials.

One night, our baby girl would NOT stop crying.  We were such brand new parents and had not gotten much sleep for days.  We tried everything….feeding, singing, rocking, walking….yet her crying did not cease.  As a last resort, we put her in the car seat and the three of went for a drive at 3 o’clock in the morning.  We were at our wits end.  I remember a shouting match in the car because of pure frustration.  Finally, the baby fell asleep to the motion of the car.  We silently drove back home, gingerly brought her into the house, and carefully laid her in her crib.  We went to bed without a word.

I was told to never go to bed angry by my grandmother and my mother.  We broke that golden rule.  However, we loved each other so much, that we talked about it right away the next morning.  We both apologized and realized it was out of frustration in the moment.  We vowed to never let that happen again.


Plan date nights.

When you are in the throws of parenthood, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the children.  It can be easy to neglect putting time into your marriage.  We made sure this was not going to happen.  We were blessed with great family that offered to watch the children on occasion so that we could go on a “date”.   We also hired babysitters.  These dates were often just dinner and a walk in the park, or dinner and a movie.  It was time for us to relax and enjoy each other.  This small, but ironically, giant gesture invests in your marriage.

Grow in your faith.

We had always been involved in childhood churches. When we got married, we had both a Catholic priest and a Methodist minister preside over the wedding.  However, we wanted to find a church that we could both agree on and attend.  A good friend of ours invited us to his church one Sunday.  We were so drawn in by the music and the sermons, that we became regular attenders shortly thereafter.  It was the first time in a long time that both of us learned something from a sermon.  We felt like the pastor was talking directly to us and the Bible had actual application to our lives.  This was new…and exciting!

It wasn’t long before we involved our children in the Sunday school programs.  They would come home and teach US something new about our faith!  This made us very curious about how we could learn more.  We got involved in a neighborhood Bible study with other couples of all ages.  We also got involved in men’s and women’s Bible studies. It was amazing!  Not only were we able to meet and form relationships with others, we were growing in our faith…and in our love for one another.

We realized God needed to be the center of lives.

We realized God needed to be the center of lives.  “With God, all things are possible.” – Matthew 19:26.  Within the first eight years of marriage, we had moved five times, had three children, changed jobs twice, and dealt with some health scares.  Our dependence on God was crucial during those years (and still is today!).

I remember crying out to God one night, “Help me Lord, I don’t know how to handle this frustration.  Help me parent like you would parent.”  God met me there and spoke into my heart.  I learned patience, perspective and perseverance.  God opened doors for me to be mentored by other moms through motherhood retreats called, “Hearts at Home” and a Bible study called, “Moms and More”.  It was a time of great encouragement to live along side other women who cared for each other and mentored each other in the process.  I shared this wisdom with my husband and our faith grew stronger.

Have “couch time”.

One of the valuable nuggets I took home from a Hearts at Home conference was to “have couch time”.  It simply meant that when daddy came home, he would greet everyone and then take 5-10 minutes to talk to mommy on the couch.  That meant the kids had to play quietly while mom and dad talked to each other about their days.  This did two things. First, it gave my husband and I a chance to greet and appreciate each other.  Second, it modeled love and a healthy marriage to our children. They saw that mommy was important to daddy and vice versa.  We grew in our love and the children grew in love and patience.

The teen years….emotional rollercoaster!

We were a busy family.  We had incredible experiences, celebrated many accomplishments and had our share of growing pains.  With God as our center, we praised Him for the good and cried out to Him in the struggles.

Never underestimate the power of prayer and the value of Christian relationships.  These years were some of the best and some of the worst at times.  Our parents and siblings were some of the best counselors to our children when they temporarily went astray. Also, those friends and pastors at church were a lifeline to our kids when they needed help.  As a team, we all came together to love, rebuke and encourage our children.  My husband and I grew even closer and stronger in our faith and love for each other.


Champion each other!

My husband is a successful industrial designer and an incredible artist!  Throughout the years, the children and I have championed his accomplishments!  Whether he volunteered to do the set for the church musicals/ballets, won awards in ice sculpting or was commissioned to create artwork for the community, we all proudly cheered him on! Embrace your spouse’s talents, gifts, skills and compassion for others.  Appreciation and admiration is a gift!


Show respect!

The world inundates us with sitcoms and social media that glorifies slamming your spouse.  Think about it, how would you feel if you were on the receiving end of this?  I know I’d feel pretty awful…even if it is supposed to be comical.  I learned long ago, that it is so honoring to respect your spouse. In growing our faith and love for each other, we have grown in maturity as well.  Refining our behaviors, choosing wisely about what we listen to and watch, and supporting each other through all situations has developed a mutual, loving respect.  It also models respect to our children and those around us.  Our hearts have grown bigger.

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.  Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  Love never fails.” – 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8

For Richer or for Poorer…

Many families strive to offer the best for their children and themselves.  We were no exception.  There were dance lessons, piano lessons, voice lessons, trombone lessons, baritone lessons, soccer, football, t-ball, softball, basketball, Tae Kwon Do, Lego League, Children’s Choir of Waukesha, Girls Club, Boys Club, musicals, acting classes, honor choirs, honor bands, marching band, solo-ensemble, art classes, contests, and the list goes on!  Along with those expenses there were medical bills, vet bills, home improvements, credit card bills, car loans, mortgages, etc. We were slowly digging ourselves into a huge pile of debt…one emergency away from financial disaster!


Many marriages are strained or end up in divorce because of financial stress.  We needed help.  So with prayer and specific resources, we were able to begin our debt-free journey.  This drew us EVEN CLOSER as a married couple.  You have to be on the same page to attack a mountain of debt.  Together with God, we were able to pay off over $168,000 in debt!  (For more information, refer to past Meaningful Journey blogs.)


Make intimacy a priority.

As a mother, employee and community volunteer, I had many people vying for my attention.  The last thing on my mind was intimacy after a long day.  I loved my husband, but I had NO energy left.  A wise mother and grandmother once said, “Make intimacy a priority”.  Ladies, you have to make an effort.  I discovered something, it became a blessing.  It draws you closer to each other in a way that only God could design.



Rediscover each other.

This year, we became empty-nesters.  One child is now married and the other two are almost graduated from college.  It was definitely a huge transition for us.  When you are suddenly left with a quiet house, you can do one of two things.  Grow apart because you don’t know each other anymore, or you can adopt four black cats.  Just kidding…(well, we did adopt four black cats).  Seriously though, we became intentional about rediscovering each other.


We started doing more things together like leading a financial study at church (Financial Peace University), painting ballet sets, exercising, taking a counseling class to further our counseling skills, completing yardwork projects, travelling and watching YouTube videos to learn more about our interests.  We even planned a very special trip to Hawaii because we are celebrating our 25th wedding anniversary.

In Sickness and In Health…

Finally, there is something very special about your spouse supporting and caring for you you in times of sickness.  My husband and I have cared for one another several times during illnesses.  Most recently, I had a serious heart issue and knee problems.  Because we had 13415437_1296969756981674_5698858920906990510_o.jpgbeen faithful about taking charge of our finances, I was able to quit my job and focus on healing after surgery and physical therapy.  We alleviate stress for each other by being smart with finances and caring for each other during illnesses.  I couldn’t ask for a wiser, stronger, more compassionate, caring and loving husband.  He is such a blessing to me.

So remember, LOVE CAN WIN!  Kiss each other goodnight and kiss each other goodbye in the morning.  Love, respect and champion your spouse, all the while, keeping God at the center.  “A triple-braided cord is not easily broken.”  Ecclesiastes 4:12









In Your 20’s? Things I Wish I Knew About Money When I Was Twenty…

Written By:  Valerie L. Richter

Photos By:  Collin Richter, Instagram

I remember rushing out the door one morning on my way to college. As I was driving, the loud sound of my growling stomach reminded me that I forgot to eat breakfast.  So, I quickly looked through my purse and dug through the car ashtray to see if I could scrounge up enough coins to swing by the drive-through.  Today, I had just enough.

When I was in my twenties, life was a whirlwind between going to school, working three jobs, volunteering at church, and squeezing time in for my boyfriend, family and friends. You could say I was living by the “seat of my pants”!  Ironically, I have a “planning” type of personality, which I was good at applying to my college studies.  However, I neglected to transfer that over to my personal finances.  Sadly, my lack of planning led to depleting my checkbook, as well as, my savings account.  I spent everything I earned.  This was not going to be a good way to start the next season of my life as a college graduate and, soon-to-be, bride.

Things I wish I had learned…


Many young people say, “Why should I budget when I don’t have many expenses?”  The answer is, no matter what, a simple budget is important so that YOU tell every dollar where to go, instead of wondering where it all went!   When we don’t have a plan and don’t track our expenses, we simply don’t realize how much we spent and where we spent it.

It’s easy!  Use a FREE budgeting app like to get started.  Apps like this make it easy to plug in numbers from your phone or computer.  For one month, track ALL your expenses (even the little ones) using this app.  I recommend that you keep the receipts for each transaction until you record them in your budgeting app and your checkbook. Then you can discard the receipts.

After the month is over, take a look at where you ACTUALLY spent the money.  What categories did you forget?  Where can you decrease spending?  Then, simply copy that budget for the next month, making adjustments.  After about three months, it becomes second nature.  It’s really eye opening when you are intentional about planning and tracking your expenses.


Let’s face it, entertainment and eating out keeps life exciting in our twenties!  It’s important to keep these items in your budget.  Planning and allocating a reasonable amount towards these categories is key to keeping spending in check.  Look for ways to save and still have fun:  coupons; Entertainment Book; free events; movie marathons at home; cook a meal with friends; game night; camping; hiking; bonfires; beach days, etc. With a little thought, your dollars can go a long way!



If you own your own car, it can become a crisis if that car breaks down and you don’t have the money for repairs.  Figure out the average cost of a car repair.  Multiply that by the number of times a year that cars like yours (in it’s condition) need repairs.  Then simply divide that amount by 12 months and and include it in your monthly budget to SAVE.  Be sure NOT to dip into that money for ANYTHING but car repairs and oil changes!

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When considering a cell phone and plan, be sure to shop around for the best deal.  Also, remember that it’s not necessary to get the latest and greatest.  You might find the cost savings a better trade-off than having that brand new model…which, incidentally, will not be the newest model by this time next year!  Buy wisely.

Collin, age 21 states, “I’ve learned to only purchase what I can afford, to plan my finances, and that I don’t need the latest and greatest things to be happy, so I’m not being cheap, I’m being content.”


Did you know that there are really awesome clothes at resale shops?  Sometimes there are even brand new and brand name clothes.  The difference?  You pay only a fraction of what it would cost to buy those clothes brand new at the mall or specialty stores.  Not only are clothes budget-friendly, but so are other items like school supplies (binders, journals, pens), sports equipment, jewelry, electronics and household items (lamps, dishes).  Make it a competition to see who can spend the least on the coolest stuff!


Decide ahead of time how many lattes or Unicorn drinks you are going to indulge in at the beginning of each month….or better yet, take your really cool travel mug (or Kwip Trip cup), brew some coffee at home, and bring it with you to that study or social gathering with your friends at Starbucks.  It will save you MUCHO BUCKS!



Taking that trip doesn’t have to break the bank!  Plan ahead.  There are many ways to save money on traveling.  A group of college students recently planned a trip out west to hike in the mountains.  They mapped out their journey, found BLM land (Bureau of Land Management) for camping, brought their own food, and drove together to save on gas. This trip turned out be only $130 for each of them…not bad!  Look at the amazing views they had!



Really ask yourself, is this a “need” or a “want”?  Many times, overspending can be curbed by asking this question.  Decide what’s important to you.  Also explore what it means to be content.


As you get older, you will be entering stages of life that will require more decisions and commitments with money.  For example, buying a house, getting married, moving, jobs, insurance, having children, investing, and, eventually, retirement.  The best advice is to learn from a wise financial expert like Dave Ramsey.  He has excellent resources for you to learn about all that you will encounter, including how to get out and stay out of debt, how to have a plan, how to invest and how to gain wealth to leave a legacy.  Check out this link! The more you know, the more you grow!







Pay Off the Mortgage Early and Make a Plan for Retirement

Written By:  Valerie L. Richter


What if I told you it was possible to pay off your home mortgage early?  Strange thought? YES!  But it IS possible!  Imagine your life with absolutely NO debt…what could you do with that money?  How could you be blessed and bless others?  Now is the time to start planning for that day and optimistically look forward to a comfortable retirement.

Look forward to a comfortable retirement!

If you have been following the blogs on this site, Meaningful Journey, you have already learned how to do a monthly zero-based budget, utilize the debt snowball and eliminate non-mortgage debt.  The next security step in your financial plan is to save 3-6 months of EXPENSES.  These are the basics:  food, shelter, utilities, transportation and clothing. For example, if a family needs $5000 for basic expenses, they will need to save $15,000-$30,000. Financial expert, Dave Ramsey, recommends that this emergency money be put into a money market account or savings account.  These funds can be easily accessed for true emergencies. Once those funds are securely in place, you can now invest in your retirement and start paying off that mortgage early!

Start paying off that mortgage early!

It is important to note that when buying a home in the first place, you should do one of two things as suggested by Dave Ramsey:  Pay 100% cash for the home (or) get a 10 or 15 year mortgage with 20% down; never get a 30-year mortgage.  If you are not able to do so, then you are not ready to purchase a home.

Ramsey also suggests that your monthly house payment be NO MORE than 25% of your monthly income.  So, if you are currently in a 30-year mortgage, have a significant amount to pay on that mortgage, and the interest rates are low enough, it may be prudent to refinance the mortgage into a 10-year or 15-year mortgage.  This will save you hundreds in interest!  But before we get into paying off the mortgage early, let’s talk about the next step.

Put 15% of your monthly income into retirement investment vehicles.

Now that you’ve paid off all non-mortgage debt, the next step is to start making a plan for retirement.  Dave Ramsey suggests that you put 15% of your monthly income into retirement investment vehicles.  These are simply your 401K (or other plans offered through your employer), Roth IRA and IRA.  These will be your steady retirement investments every month.  If you have questions about these kinds of investment vehicles, you can contact one of Dave Ramsey’s ELPs (Endorsed Local Providers) for free. These providers have “the heart of a teacher”, so they will not make you feel silly for asking any type of question.  They are there to help.

We will pay off a 15 year mortgage in 7 years!

As you are putting 15% of your income into retirement, you now have the freedom to save for college tuitions (children/grandchildren) and/or pay off the mortgage early! Aggressively pay down the mortgage every month with the amount left over from the last debt snowball payment minus the amount needed for the 15% retirement amount. You should be able to pay off that mortgage A LOT earlier than you ever thought was possible!   Speaking from personal experience, we will be able to pay a 15-year mortgage (which we began by refinancing three years ago), in a TOTAL of SEVEN YEARS!  That is A LOT of interest saved!  Plus, we were able to help pay college tuitions for our three children (Rebecca Richter-Cole, our daughter, pictured below).


Once your home is 100% owned by YOU (doesn’t that sound good?), you can delve more into additional investments above and beyond the initial 15% you are currently putting into retirement.  Again, Dave Ramsey’s ELPs are a great resource for investing.

For more information on principles discussed in this blog, I highly recommend the book, Dave Ramsey’s Complete Guide to Money, past blogs on, Dave Ramsey’s Radio Show (airs every weekday) and Chris Hogan’s retirement calculator

Keep on keeping on in your quest to become completely debt free so “You can live and give like no one else”!

We Paid Off $168,000 of Debt! Wish You Could Pay Off Debt Too? Here’s How!

Written By:  Valerie L. Richter


Photo By:  Rising Capital Associates

The average American has $16,748 in credit card debt, $28,948 in auto loans, $49,905 in student loans and $176,222 in mortgages, according to the 2016 Federal Reserve Q4 report. That’s A LOT of DEBT!  It’s no wonder that most of us feel HOPELESS when it comes to getting out of debt. I’m here to tell you that it’s possible to become DEBT FREE!

It’s possible to become DEBT FREE!

It HAS to start with a paradigm shift.  Our culture tells us to buy what we “deserve” and “make easy, low payments” on this and that, and such and such.  We are marketed to death by companies that want our hard-earned money.  They are not bad.  But we need to be AWARE and we need to BE SMART.

Banks advertise personal loans, mortgages, car loans and line-of-credit loans that make it “easier” for us to afford homes that are above what we should spend, home remodels we can’t afford, expensive cars we can’t pay cash for, and debt consolidation, which is a result of increased interest rates due to the fact that our debt-ratio is too high!

Why can’t we live within our means?

Why can’t we live within our means?  Sure, we TRY to do this, but SOMETHING always comes up…a car registration fee, a birthday, a meal out, Christmas, etc.  These are emergencies we need to put on our credit card, right?  WRONG.  Guess what? Car registrations, birthdays, and even, Christmas, happen every year!  Imagine that!

OK, so maybe you plan for THOSE expenses, but what about car repairs, medical bills, field trips, vet visits, etc.?  How can we pay for these emergencies?  This is where your paradigm shift begins.

Create a ZERO-BASED BUDGET.  Use a SIMPLE and FREE tool like Dave Ramsey’s EVERY  to plug in some simple numbers.  TRUST ME, this is a MUST. Budgeting doesn’t have to be complicated, dry or boring.  It can be quite freeing when you have a REALISTIC VIEW of what is happening financially.  It’s simple, record MONEY IN and MONEY OUT.  Your goal EACH MONTH is to tell every dollar where to go, instead of it telling you.  I have used this tool faithfully, and it has resulted in a huge pay off…literally!  Don’t worry, it will take 2-3 months of tweaking budgets to settle into the swing of things, but you WILL get there.

By creating a zero-based budget (telling every dollar where to go), you will begin to identify where you are overspending.  You can also identify items that may be luxury items…something you may want to take out of your budget until you become debt-free.

This is the next part of the PARADIGM SHIFT.  A wise man, by the name of Dave Ramsey, has taught me the concept of how to “Live like no one else, so that we can LIVE and GIVE like no one else.”  What does this mean?  It means, evaluate what you can live without or decrease TEMPORARILY until you get out of debt.  THEN, you will be able to live well and give generously to help others.

What kinds of things can I change?

  1.  CANCEL PAID SUBSCRIPTIONS (magazines, newspapers, wine clubs, Netflix)
  2.  CUT THE CABLE and choose Chrome Cast or rabbit ears.
  3.  OPT FOR THE FREE HOME GYM verses gym memberships.
  4.  NEGOTIATE CONTRACTS with your internet and cell phone providers. It’s easier than you think!  Be sure to ask for a supervisor to get through the layers that are designed to keep you paying higher prices!
  5. SKIP THE STARBUCKS and make them “Your Bucks”!  Coffee is easier than ever to make at home.
  6. DRIVE “NEW-TO-YOU” CARS (a.k.a. used cars, beaters, jalopies) and sell that expensive car or motorcycle. Don’t worry if you get teased for driving a less expensive car…you will smile triumphantly when you are out of debt and can afford whatever car you like!)
  7. SKIP THE MANICURES, PEDICURES, EXPENSIVE HAIRCUTS AND EXPENSIVE HOBBIES (golf, skiing, scrapbooking, shopping “just because”).  Learn how to cut your own hair or enlist the help of a friend.  Paint your own nails. Choose less expensive hobbies temporarily.
  8. SHOP AT ALDI (you can cut your grocery bill significantly)
  9. BUY CLOTHES/HOUSEHOLD GOODS at resale shops like Goodwill.
  10. ATTEMPT YOUR OWN CAR/APPLIANCE REPAIRS. Most auto parts stores will diagnose an engine code for free.  YouTube videos are a great resource for learning how to do simple repairs (or complicated repairs if you are really adventurous!)
  11. EAT AT HOME.  Dave Ramsey says, “You shouldn’t see the inside of a restaurant unless you are working there!”
  12. PLAN YOUR MEALS so your hunger doesn’t surprise you and create a food “emergency”!
  13. HAVE CREATIVE VACATIONS. Look for free events in town, visit your local park/beach and make a day of it, pack your own food/snacks when you venture out, have a couples “cooking night” by inviting others to bring an ingredient to cook/dine together, host a bonfire (s’mores are relatively inexpensive).
  14. PICK UP EXTRA HOURS/EXTRA JOBS.  “The best place to go when you’re broke is to work!”, states Dave Ramsey. Make money with hobbies, delivering pizzas, etc.
  16. AVOID DISCOUNT WAREHOUSES (like Costco and Sam’s Club).  How many times have you come out of there spending MUCH MORE than anticipated?  Do you really need that 5lb. jar of mustard? Plus, you’ll nix the annual membership fee!
  17. SELL STUFF (rummage sale, E-Bay, Craigslist, etc.).  Dave says, “Sell so much stuff the kids or the pets think their next!”
  18. USE CASH!  “Feel the money, ” and feel the purchase.  Using cash instead of plastic allows EACH PURCHASE to register emotionally!
  19. DON’T FINANCE FURNITURE, CARS AND OTHER STUFF. Companies do a great job of marketing debt.  Businesses like car dealers make the most money on finance plans and warranties verses the actual sale of the car!  Banks make their money by lending it to you (INTEREST).  Imagine all the wasted money we’ve spent over the life of each and every loan!
  20. STOP USING CREDIT CARDS!  By budgeting and making all the above changes, you should be able to save $1000 for a starter emergency fund ($500 if your annual income is $20,000 or less).  This will be your cushion so you can stop using those credit cards.  Eventually, you will want to pay all those off and CLOSE them. (Again, INTEREST is not your friend.) Some people claim to use credit cards for the reward “points” and pay off the balances each month.  How many extra purchases did you talk yourself into to get those “points”? How long would it take you to actually save money for those reward items verses the long time it took to accumulate the “points”? Credit card companies know exactly how long!
  21. USE A DEBT SNOWBALL (after you have saved $1000 in your starter emergency fund).   The basic premise of a Debt Snowball is to list all your debts, SMALLEST to LARGEST, not including the mortgage (don’t worry about interest rates).  Start by paying off the smallest debt first.  Then, add the minimum payment you were making on that first debt to the second debt…pay that one off…and so on and so forth.  Your debt payment picks up more “snow” as it goes along, paying them off faster.
  22. BE CONTENT. Our culture needs a lesson on contentment.  We don’t need the newest I-phone, the bigger TV, the more expensive car, the fast food salad we could have easily made at home, the fancy cup of coffee, the bigger house, the fancy gym, or the designer clothes to be content in life.  Even the smallest of incomes in the United States is considered “rich” by the standards of many other countries.

The FINANCIAL PEACE that comes with financial freedom is priceless.   We, like so many other Americans, lived paycheck to paycheck.  We were one emergency away from a financial disaster.  By budgeting, evaluating expenses, telling every dollar where to go, saving $1000 for a starter emergency fund, paying with cash and closing credit cards/store accounts, we have paid off over $168,000 in debt!  We are on our way to becoming debt free!

What are the next steps?  Stay tuned for the next weekly blog, “Pay Off the Mortgage Early and Make a Plan for Retirement”.  Also, if you have questions regarding Financial Freedom or anything written about in these blogs, please contact me below.  I will be sure to respond!

Recommended Resources:, EveryDollarcom


In Debt? Overweight? How to Win at Both

Written By: Valerie L. Richter

My husband and I were the typical Americans, living paycheck to paycheck.  We had debt of “all kinds of stupid”…credit cards, store cards, student loans, car payments, medical bills, etc.  We had NO SAVINGS, and, to top it off, we were unhealthy and (dare I say) OBESE. We got sick and tired of feeling unhealthy and hopeless, feeling we would never lose weight or get ahead in our finances.  Fast forward three years later, and we have paid off $163,000 in debt and have begun our weight loss journey by losing a collective 50 pounds so far!  How are we doing it?  We discovered the link between faith, finances and physical health.

PAID OFF $163,000!  LOST 50 POUNDS!

If you are like most people, you work hard at life.  You have a job, volunteer, go to school or stay home with your children.  You seek stability and security in having a place to call home and the resources to succeed and enjoy life.  All of this good, but when it gets out of balance, we end up “paying the price”.

My life was so out of balance.  It began years ago.  It didn’t happen overnight.  There was the drive to succeed in college, (Freshman 15), the rush to get married, the STUDENT LOANS, (french fries are vegetables, right?), the desire to own a home, the birth of three children, (didn’t know it was possible to eat 100 hamburgers and a gazillion chicken nuggets), the need for two cars, the desire to give our children ALL the experiences they “deserved”, the medical situations, (doughnuts and cake make it better, right?), the CREDIT CARDS, the bigger house, the better car, the Disney vacation paid solely on credit card, (but those giant ice cream cones were sooo good!), the SECOND MORTGAGE to pay off the credit cards, (let’s eat out three times a week), the SECOND time maxing out credit cards, the refinancing of the house to “pay off the credit cards we aren’t ever going to use again”, THREE kids in college, (wine and cheese, please!), PARENT PLUS STUDENT LOANS and, “Oh my gosh, the furnace broke!” (hot chocolate with marshmallows?)  All we could do was PRAY.


That Sunday, we went down to the front of church to seek prayer for our MESS. The pastor prayed with us and told us about a new class that could help us with our finances:  Financial Peace University.  We needed to get a hold of our finances and get out of debt fast!


This short, nine-week class opened our eyes to reality!  We weren’t going to be able to offer the best for our family and ourselves if we kept up our unhealthy financial and physical habits.  Something had to change.  We started by taking an accurate look at where EVERY DOLLAR was being spent.  Enter…THE BUDGET.

Before you stop reading, don’t get scared by the word, budget.  It’s a lot easier than you would think, especially if you use a ZERO-BASED budget. This isn’t the kind of budget you put together and hope you have something left over at the end.  You intentionally tell every dollar where to go. YOU are in control.


It took about three months to accurately tweak our budget.  We told our hard-earned dollars where to go!  We tracked our expenses, receipt by receipt, and quickly found out where we were overspending.  We changed what was unhealthy.  We got WEIRD!  (It’s OK to be weird.)

We swapped cable for Chrome Cast/rabbit ears, we negotiated a lower price with our internet and cellphone providers, we shopped at Aldi (paid only half of what it costs elsewhere), shopped at Goodwill (found great quality items and brand name clothes for a fraction of the cost), limited going out to eat (ate healthier at home), opted for the “home gym” verses the gym membership, drove “new to me” beater cars instead of having car payments, and paid CASH FOR EVERYTHING…not CREDIT. (Check back for more money saving tips in future blogs).


CREDIT CARDS….credit cards, let’s talk about those.  What if you took your entire monthly paycheck, cashed it out at the bank in $1 bills, and spread them out on your kitchen table?  What would that look like?  It would look impressive!  Then take out the bills for each fixed expense (rent/mortgage, utilities, car payments, credit card payments, tuition, etc.).  This probably took out most of your paycheck. Now take out money for cable, gym memberships, restaurants, Starbucks, movies, etc. It most likely left you with little or nothing.  Did you have an “ouchie moment”?  What I am illustrating here is that you are “FEELING THE MONEY”…not just recording an electronic transaction or swiping a credit card.  Those are real dollars…earned the hard way….NOT borrowed.  Our culture needs to “feel the money” again and live within our means!


While we were faithfully doing our budget and making changes, we began putting away money in a STARTER EMERGENCY SAVINGS fund.  Our goal was $1000 ($500 if you make less than $20,000 per year).  We did everything to get that fund to $1000 quickly (sold some things, worked more hours, streamlined the budget).  It was at that point, we got REALLY WEIRD!  We CUT UP our CREDIT CARDS!



Cutting them up was the first ceremonial step to financial freedom!  Of course, we still had to make monthly payments to PAY THEM OFF and CLOSE THEM, but it got us pointed in the right direction.  (Remember, you can still use a debit card that is attached to your bank account, AKA “real money”, to make reservations and anything you THINK is only possible with a credit card.)  Our faith teaches us, “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.”  Proverbs 22:7. We don’t want to be a slave to our debt!  We want to handle what is given to us in a much better way!


Once we had our starter emergency fund in place, we attacked our debt with “gazelle intensity”…you know, the kind of intensity a gazelle experiences when a lion is chasing it?!!  We put together our DEBT SNOWBALL   The basic premise is to list all your debts, SMALLEST to LARGEST, not including the mortgage (don’t worry about interest rates).  Start by paying off the smallest debt first.  Then, add the minimum payment you were making on that first debt to the second debt…pay that one off…and so on and so forth.  Your debt payment picks up more “snow” as it goes along, paying them off faster.  It works, folks!   (Try constructing a paper chain with each link representing $100 of debt and securing it to your family room or bedroom ceiling!  It’s a great visual reminder and very satisfying to cut the links off as progress is made!)



How does all this relate to losing weight?  Thought I’d never get there?  Well, it suddenly dawned on me that the same mindset I had on getting out of debt could translate into a mindset for losing weight. I began to budget calories and exercise with the help of a free app called “Lose It”.

I’ve tried all kinds of diets and programs throughout life, and none of them have stuck.  I decided this was not going to be a “diet” but rather a new way of living.  I gave myself permission to lose weight over an extended period of time.  After all, I didn’t gain it overnight!  I combined all that I’ve learned (and what I’ve needed to unlearn) with this simple “journaling” app.  The FREE “Lose It” app does all the calculating for you and gives you realistic benchmarks for the goals you are trying to achieve.  I translated the “budgeting dollars” concept into “budgeting calories and exercise”.  The journaling/budgeting gives me a realistic view of where I am “spending” my calories and when I’m “overspending”.


The whole journey of getting out of debt, handling finances better and getting healthy, is even more successful when you enlist the help of an ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER.  This can be a spouse, a friend, a parent, or a co-worker.  Find someone who can take this journey alongside of you.  It will benefit both of you.  For me, it was my husband and God.  It will take intentionality!  Start your journey today for a healthier, happier, wiser you!

Stay tuned for future blogs which will cover topics like:

What’s Next?  Steps to Paying off Mortgage Early, Saving, Investing, Retirement and “Living and Giving Like No One Else!”

Give Yourself Permission to Take Care of YOU

Real Meals and Exercise Suggestions that are Good for the Body, Budget and Soul

Rapid Pickup, an Account of Medical Emergency and Faith

How to Go from Saying, “My Husband Drives Me Crazy!” to “My Husband Loves Me Like Crazy!”

Faith Builds Bridges

How to Raise Awesome Kids to be Awesome Adults

Budget Friendly and Relationship Building Entertainment

Resource Recommendations:  Dave Ramsey’s “Complete Guide to Money”, Rachel Cruz/Dave Ramsey’s “Smart Money, Smart Kids”, Financial Peace University @